
IPA president launches Effectiveness Accreditation Programme as part of 10x agenda

IPA president launches Effectiveness Accreditation Programme as part of 10x agenda

IPA president, Julian Douglas has today launched the association’s Effectiveness Accreditation Programme – designed to better demonstrate the value that agencies deliver.

The IPA Effectiveness Accreditation will recognise an agency’s effectiveness culture, both in its internal practices and in its relationships with clients.

According to the IPA, agency benefits of achieving the accreditation include distinction between one agency over another; being able to position oneself as a true business growth partner to brands; using the evidence base created to show the commercial difference it makes and to validate changing briefing and budgeting processes; plus helping to create a culture in which effectiveness is not only a goal, but, in time, a basic requirement between brand marketers and agencies.

The entry process consists of a written paper and video, which needs to be submitted by 26 May. There will also be an anonymous questionnaire that will ask agencies how they engage with a variety of effectiveness resources, which will help to provide an industry benchmark on effectiveness culture and practices.

The submissions will be assessed by a panel of brand owners, academics, authors and effectiveness specialists, and will be chaired by Unilever’s global director marketing learning & capabilities, Jo Royce.

The first accredited agencies will be announced in September.

The launch of the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation Programme formed part an address by the new IPA president to set out his ‘10x: Accelerate Opportunity’ agenda.

Douglas’ agenda is centred around three key themes: IPA 10x (for the industry); THINK 10x (for wider society); and TECH 10x (for gaming, AR and international collaboration).

Elements of the other two areas – THINK 10x and TECH 10x – include partnering with Facebook on the advancement of Augmented Reality in marketing, plus the creation of an IPA ThinkTank to ‘show the world what advertising’s brightest thinkers are capable of through creativity, ideas and their skills in engagement and persuasion.’

Douglas is also planing a trade mission to India in 2022 to enable IPA agencies to meet, learn from and collaborate with new tech partners in the world’s biggest democracy and emergent economy.

“Nobody wants to revert to the world of 2019.  As Einstein put it, “in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity…” Disruption and uncertainty can be very painful but they open windows as well as close doors,” Douglas said.

“Advertising is ready to fulfil much bigger ambitions than just survival. We have the data, the technology, the pure creative firepower to change the world and our place in it. I need you, your energy, ideas and opinions to make this sooner, bigger, bolder agenda happen. So please see this as an invitation to get involved.”

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